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Bionic Man: Can We Delegate Our Luck to Our Prosthetics?

Thursday, 27 October 2022

19:30 h

Multiespai L´Androna. Baleària Port

Today's society is immersed in one of the most complex and disruptive revolutions in its history. This, unlike all the previous ones, is generating a much more global, subtle and profound transformation. This 4.0 revolution is making possible an unprecedented development of biotechnology and, with it, encouraging transhumanist and posthumanist movements of a cybernetic nature whose main objective is to transcend the human being through the creation of a new species -biotechnological-. This is the old idea of ​​"bionic man", an augmented human that combines the person and the machine to increase human biological skills and capacities. However, the path of the augmented human requires great biotechnological challenges, but also ethical and political ones. This will be, precisely, the leitmotif of this session.


Session video

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Ajuntament de Dénia
Dénia City of Gastronomy
Generalitat Valenciana

Academic direction:

La Maleta de Portbou
