The Dénia Festival de les Humanitats is an initiative of the Denia Town Hall, Dénia Ciutat de la Gastronomia, Unesco, Generalitat Valenciana and Baleària, which has the academic management of Josep Ramoneda and Jordi Alberich (La Maleta de Portbou) and is coordinated by the Fundació Dénia Creative City of Gastronomy.

Dénia is a municipality and city in the Valencian Community, located on the north coast of the province of Alicante. It is the capital of the Marina Alta region with 42,953 registered inhabitants, although in summer its population can rise fivefold, reaching 200,000. It is the municipality in Spain with less than 50,000 inhabitants that receives the most vacationers, according to seasonal population figures from the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations.

The Generalitat Valenciana encompasses the set of self-government institutions of the Valencian Community. The Valencian Courts, the president and the Council of the Valencian Generalitat form part of it. Other institutions of the Generalitat are the Audit Office, the Ombudsman, the Valencian Council of Culture, the Valencian Academy of Language, the Legal Consultative Council of the Valencian Community, the Economic and Social Committee of the Valencian Community and the Agency Valencian Anti-Fraud.

Baleària is the leading shipping group in Spain, with more than 20 years of history in the maritime transport of passengers, vehicles and goods, with daily routes linking the Peninsula with the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla. Likewise, it is the only maritime company that connects the four islands of the Balearic archipelago. Internationally, it operates in North Africa (Morocco and Algeria), the South of France and links the United States and the Bahamas. The shipping company is a world benchmark in sustainability thanks to its pioneering commitment to eco-efficient mobility.

La Maleta de Portbou is a humanities and economics magazine, directed by Josep Ramoneda, which offers different ways of accessing culture. Some of its main purposes are: to contribute to the debate on the current world and its meaning, to confront technological, cultural, social and geopolitical fractures, and to promote a cosmopolitan view from a European perspective, incorporating points of view considered to be minority and peripheral views.