Crear Crear
Actual edition

Eva Anduiza

Professor of Political Science at the UAB since 2003. She has a degree in Political Science and Sociology from the Complutense University of Madrid, a diploma in data analysis for the social sciences from the University of Essex, and a doctorate in Political Science from the Institute European University of Florence. She has taught Political Science at the universities of Salamanca and Murcia. Her research areas are political participation, political attitudes and electoral behavior. He has published ¿Individuos o sistemas?: las razones de la abstención en Europa Occidental (CIS, 1999) and she has collaborated in Metodología de la ciencia política (CIS, 1999), Comportamiento político y electoral (Ariel, 2004) and Informe sobre la democracia en España 2015. Reformular la política (Los Libros de la Catarata, 2015).



Ajuntament de Dénia
Dénia City of Gastronomy
Generalitat Valenciana

Academic direction:

La Maleta de Portbou
