Crear Crear
Actual edition

Gemma Barricarte

Graduated in Architecture Studies from the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona (ETSAB, Polytechnic University of Catalonia), Master in Interdisciplinary Studies of Environmental, Economic and Social Sustainability at the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology of Barcelona (ICTA- Autonomous University of Barcelona) and studies in Fine Arts (Universitat de Barcelona). She is part of the CSIC Fossil Aesthetics research group and has a long history in environmental and student activism. She has developed outreach work through the publication of various articles, essays and conferences in places such as the Universitat Internacional de la Pau (UNIPAU), the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya or the Universitat de Barcelona. Her main lines of research have to do with urban political ecology and artistic research.



Ajuntament de Dénia
Dénia City of Gastronomy
Generalitat Valenciana

Academic direction:

La Maleta de Portbou
