Marta Segarra
She is director of research at the Center National de la Recherche Scientifique-CNRS in Paris, member of the Laboratoire d'études de genre et de sexualité-LEGS and professor of French Literature and Gender Studies at the University of Barcelona (UB) . She founded and directed until 2013 the Center Dona i Literatura (currently Center de Recerca ADHUC-Theory, gender, sexuality), as well as the UNESCO Chair for Women, development and cultures (UB). She has been a visiting professor at the Université Paris 8-Vincennes, Cornell University, and the University of California-Berkeley. He has published several books, including: L’habitació, la casa, el carrer / Room, House, Street (2014), Teoría de los cuerpos agujereados (2014), Escriure el desig: De La Celestina a Maria-Mercè Marçal (2013), Nouvelles romacières francophones du Maghreb (2010), Traces du désir (2008), El món que necessitem / The world we need (with Donna Haraway, 2019) Fils: Cartes sobre el confinament, la vigilància i l’anormalitat (with Ingrid Guardiola, 2020) and Lettres de fuite: Séminaire 2001-2004 (edicition of the seminarby Hélène Cixous, 2020). She directs Icaria Editorial's "Women and Cultures" collection and directed the international magazine Expressions Maghrébines from 2005 to 2014. She received the 2009 Icrea Academia Award. She currently writes regularly for the newspaper Ara .