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Actual edition

Tomás Marques i Bonet

He is director of the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (CSIC/UPF) and an ICREA researcher at Pompeu Fabra University. He has always had a great presence in international research, participating in Marie Curie actions, being a Young Researcher at EMBO since 2014, and having prestigious European projects such as the European Research Council or the NIH (United States). He is an executive member of several international consortia related to genomics, as well as an organizer of several international symposiums. With a total of more than one hundred publications in international journals, his group is dedicated to understanding the basis of what he defines us as humans from different molecular and genetic perspectives.



Ajuntament de Dénia
Dénia City of Gastronomy
Generalitat Valenciana

Academic direction:

La Maleta de Portbou
