Crear Crear
Actual edition

Global world, closed borders

Friday, 28 October 2022

10:00 h

Auditorio del Centro social de Dénia

The 20s of this millennium will be known as a period of turbulence and global threats (financial crisis, adjustment policies, COVID-19 pandemic, inflation crisis, war in Ukraine, climate crisis...). These phenomena have abruptly underlined the interdependence of the world in which we live and the globality of the challenges we face without having global governance mechanisms with which to respond to them. Action in the face of these challenges has caused a permanent dilemma between promoting more cooperation and understanding that our problems are linked to the problems of others, or following the short-term and useless impulse of shielding our populations to protect them. This discussion session will reflect on all these issues associated with the efficient management of human mobility.


Session video

Registration closed


Ajuntament de Dénia
Dénia City of Gastronomy
Generalitat Valenciana

Academic direction:

La Maleta de Portbou
